Notes on K-pop song faves 2022
Notes on K-pop, aka Tamar Herman's, favorite 50 songs of the year
Notes on K-pop, aka Tamar Herman's, favorite 50 songs of the year
To be honest, I don’t want to write today. That’s sort of a lie, because I have a few ideas for this newsletter and articles buzzing in my head at the moment. But over the last few days I’ve been really frustrated by the state of covering
There are problems, but as a lifelong fantasy and sci-fi lover, I'll take all the engaging narratives and theories you give me
Or, How artists fighting for their own rights can make things better for everyone in the long run
A private space for us to converse and connect
Some thoughts on the value of "the biggest waste of plastic in the world"
RM: Sometimes as I grow up — and I’m between my chapter one and two, like I said, the group and solo; maybe I’m between music and maybe [visual] art, between that. So sometimes I really feel afraid, like, “What if I don’t like music anymore?” I love
This is Notes on K-pop, an upcoming newsletter by Tamar Herman full of musings on K-pop & then some. I’m looking forward to sharing ideas and thoughts with you! Subscribe now